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Helping Women Discover Hope & Healing

Called To Serve

I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the Hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints.   (Ephesians 1:18)

Our Mission is to Help Women Discover Hope & Healing in Their Everyday Lives

Journey of the Heart Ministries was created to meet the needs of women in communities throughout the United States and around the world. It was created for God to display His heart and love for His beloved.

Journey of the Heart Ministries honors women and treats them with dignity. Our comprehensive one to one mentoring program has been created to address the real, often silent needs of women, the matters of their heart that have the potential to severely impair their lives in measurable ways. We understand that when women live in hopelessness and despair it impacts the children, the family, the community and ultimately the world.

When the heart of a woman heals, it creates a ripple that transforms her, her family and the community and ultimately the world.

Journey of the Heart Ministries

Areas Of Service

Center of Hope

The Center of Hope is a safe and confidential place in the community where women can discover a new way to live in Hope. We offer a comprehensive one to one mentoring program free of charge where women can discover Hope and Healing for their everyday lives.

One to One Mentor Training

To meet the needs of women across the globe, God has called us to partner with others to train and equip organizations, ministries and churches in the mentoring process to empower them to fulfill their purpose and mission.

Global Initiative

Journey of the Heart Ministries was created to meet the needs of women in communities throughout the United States and around the world. To build a collaborative initiative, to develop relationships and partnerships in the global community for the personal development of women.

Our Ministry Partners

Community Partners
Local organizations, ministries and churches that we develop relationships with to collaborate together in serving women in the community. Our hope is to build strong relationships as we work together on behalf of women. If you are interested in learning more please call the Global office and ask for Mary at 419-725-9124
Presently we have a partnership with Global Care International in Albania to mentor the women they have established relationships with in the community they serve. Our goal is to continue to pursue additional partnerships with other global partners on behalf of women.
We consider everyone that donates financially a significant partner in the ministry. Becoming a financial partner is a vital part of the success of the ministry. Our partners at every level of giving are important. If you are interested in becoming a financial partner please call the Global office at 419-725-9124 and ask for Mary.
This team consists of people who have a heart to build strategies for donor development and fundraising for the ministry. This is a vital team whose purpose is to help sustain the financial needs of the ministry. If you are interested in being part of this team, please call the Global office at 419-725-9124 and ask to speak to Mary.
Our prayer partners are essential to the ministry. If you would want to join our team in praying for the ministry daily, weekly, monthly, please give us a call to set up a time to get to know you. Call us at the Global Office at 419-725-9124 to get connected.

To get involved in the Ministry, please call 419-725-9124

Give to JOTHM

Journey of the Heart Ministries is a 501(c)3 ministry that relies on donations to provide services to women. Make tax-deductible gifts with ease. Choose recurring or one-time.

Journey Of The Heart Ministries

Mary Michel

CEO & Founder

Journey of the Heart Ministries

Cathy Lanning


The Center of Hope

Board of Directors

Mary A. Michel

Rev. Michael Denman

Rod Brandt

Christy B. Wall

Terry A. Michel

Matthew E. Wall

Cathy Lanning

Our Story

The inspiration for Journey of the Heart Ministries began in 1998. In that year Mary Michel the CEO & Founder was experiencing deep personal pain and grief. In the midst of her brokenness God birthed His vision and purpose to help women become whole and for them to discover a new way of living into hope.

After a few years of research and focus groups the vision became a reality. Mary began traveling and meeting with groups of women and learned that the need was great. She learned that meeting one to one with them helps them first understand that they are not alone, and it becomes the first step into Hope. Mary learned that women deal everyday with hard life issues; abuse, neglect, divorce, addictions, depression, being a single mom, areas of great loss and serious health issues. With research, all of this information and experience, it was time to develop and establish the Hope Partner mentoring services and to create The Center of Hope for women.

God began to draw others and He captured the heart of Christy Wall, her niece and she and Mary began to seek the heart of God together in how He wanted the vision to begin. From this the mentor training was created, along with many steps leading to the development of the Center of Hope and the ministry at large..

God then began to capture the heart of those He was calling to the Board. God began to call others and began to build His team to fulfill His vision. God has called many directly to the ministry and even more in the community to support Journey of the Heart Ministries.

Journey of the Heart was incorporated in 2005 and in January of 2008 opened the Community Center of Hope in Toledo Ohio. This Center has become the model as other Center of Hope are established in communities throughout the United States and around the World.

Today, Journey of the Heart Ministries has served hundreds of women locally, women in several states and internationally. The vision God gave to Mary of women being healed and set free, has become reality.

To His glory.